Job vacancy in Bank BUMN Bank BRI is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and high self motivated personnel to be part of our great team, with the following available positions Program Pengembangan Staf BRI (PPS BRI), in one event BRI JOB EXPO – BANDUNG 2011.
This event date 23-24 Maret 2011 in Kampus ITB , Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung,.
Important criterion that needs to be noticed :
1. Get state as S1 / S2 master or college student already been declared for graduate (even haven't followed graduation) or college student one is waiting conference schedule (in the period of 1 s / d. 2 months, estimated by graduate).
2. Come from University with A's accreditation or b by Faculty and Majors as follows:
- To PPS Generically graduated of Faculty / Majors: Economy, Law, Tech, Agricultural technology, Psychology, Agricultural, Ranch, kehutanan,
Fisipol (Strictly for International relationship Majors, Communication knowledge, Fiscal administration, Business administration, and State Administration),
MIPA (Strictly for Mathematics majors, Statistika).
- To PPS grad Auditor of Faculty / Majors: Economy, Law, Tech, Agricultural, Fisipol (Strictly for Fiscal Administration Majors, Business administration,
and State Administration), MIPA (Strictly for Mathematics majors, Statistika).
- To PPS IT grad of Faculty / Majors: Computer science, Informatika's tech.
3. Accentuated that has never been applied for as participant of Staffs Developmental Program (PPS) BRI.
4. Graduate year 2010 & 2011.
5. Haven't Gotten Married.
6. Minimal IPK S1 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) ; Minimal IPK S2 3,25 (PTN & PTS) with IPK S1'S note makes a abode to qualify IPK minimal S1.
7. Have the honour menandatangani Contract with BRI if was declared for accepted as PPS BRI'S participant.
Registration procedure:
1. Filling Form Registration in here
2. Dowload is Form in here
3. Attending applicant and takes in form already be filled fledged (photograph is stuck)
to :
at di Gedung Serba Guna ( GSG ), Kampus ITB
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung,
Date of 23 / 24th March 2011, Time : 08.00 WIB.
NOTE: To all this selection process be not been taken up cost, Psikotes will be performed on the fifteenth 25th March 2011, For more information complete Job Fair BUMN BRI Job Expo Bandung Maret 2011 visit : Here
Don’t Forget Lowongan BUMN Bank BRI deadline 24 march 2011. Good Luck
Monday, March 14, 2011
Job Fair BUMN BRI Job Expo Bandung Maret 2011
edy | Monday, March 14, 2011
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