--> Job Vacancies in The World Bank | Lowongan Kerja Terbaru


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Job Vacancies in The World Bank

| Saturday, June 4, 2011
The World Bank has a substantial energy sector portfolio and pipeline that are expanding rapidly. Key areas of focus include the power sector (generation and transmission), natural gas sector, geothermal and other renewable energies, energy efficiency and rural electrification. Investment operations are complemented by an increasingly vibrant sector dialogue. Against this backdrop, currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Research Analyst (Public Sector Management)


  • Have 5 years of relevant work experience
  • Extensive experience of econometric and statistical analysis techniques and standard statistical software packages, especially STATA.
  • Knowledge of Indonesian public finance data. Familiarity with key Indonesian economic series and data sources, especially SUSENAS.
  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in Economics or related discipline
  • Ability to interpret and present statistical information.
  • Ability to put together clear and crisp presentations.
  • Excellent writing skills as exemplified by a writing sample.
  • Ability to interact effectively with government, civil society stakeholders, international teams, and work well across organizational boundaries.
  • Fluency in English. Fluent Indonesian language skill.
  • Pro-active and enthusiastic approach to the work program
  • Proven track-record of delivering high-quality analysis in a timely manner.

Job Description and Responsibilities:

  • The research analyst will be an integral part of the MPEA cluster, and will also offer support to other country team members as needed. He/she will work with other research and data analysts in the cluster as needed. Specific responsibilities will include:
  • Provide data analysis support to the teams working on the IPEA just-in-time and PER work.
  • Write substantial sections of reports for the infrastructure, health, education and subnational PERs.
  • Work closely with WBOJ senior researchers on macroeconomic and fiscal policy related research.
  • Engage with GOI counterparts on technical and policy analysis.
  • Monitor budget disbursement/ execution data in support of the Fiscal Policy Office (FPO) in the Ministry of Finance.

Reporting Procedures
The Research Analyst will report to the Senior Economist and Task Team Leader of the MPEA sub cluster and be supervised by the Economist leading the public finance work at the WBOJ.

Time Period
The position is a coterminous appointment position for a 1-year period. The assignment is expected to start in August 2011 and finish in July 2012. There is a possibility of extension subject to available resources and individual performance.

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to : Lowongan Bank Dunia , Research Analyst vacancies in The World Bank deadline 9 juni 2011.

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