General Qualification:
- Bachelor Degree (S1) : Law, Communication Studies, Accounting, Management, Industrial Enggineering,K3 Management , Civil Engineering, Design Interior, Architecture Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Air Transport Management, Psychology or
- Diploma Degree (D3) in Accounting, Management, Civil Engineering, Architecture Engineering
- Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4;
- Male / Female, age max 30yearold (in 2011);
- Indonesian citizen;
- No status as a husband / wife Employee PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero);
- Have a minimum TOEFL score 450 (valid);
- Good behavior (expressed in Police Notes);
- Physically and mentally healthy, not tattooed and pierced not (for men);
- Willing to be placed throughout the Branch Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).
Application file is made by attaching the following documents:
- Cover letter and curriculum vitae;
- The original Certificate of physically and mentally ablebodied latest from the RS Government / Hospital;
- Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized of Local police;
- Copy of valid ID card;
- 2 (two) recent color photographs size 4x6 with a red background.
- Copy of diploma that has been legalized by the Authorities;
- Copy of transcripts that have been legalized by the Authorities;
- The results of the original TOEFL Score (valid);
Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph to: PO BOX 2761 JKP 10027 , Test result can be view in , Job Vacancy BUMN PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) deadline 27 Agustus 2011.