For Bachelor Degree S1 or Relevant :
Staf Dukungan Sistem
Staf Hukum
Staf Kesejahteraan SDM dan Hubungan Industrial
Staf Teknik Mesin/Listrik
Staf Keuangan
Qualification Bachelor Degree S1 :
IPK Minimal 3.00 (skala 4)
Male/ Female age max 31 years old at1 Oktober 2011 .
Diploma Degree D3 / D4 :
Pelaksana Akuntansi
Pelaksana Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM
Pelaksana Sistem Informasi
Pelaksana Kapal dan Barang
Pelaksana Mekanik Alat Bongkar Muat
Pelaksana Teknik Sipil
Pelaksana Hubungan Masyarakat
Qualification for Diploma Degree D3 / D4
Male/ Female age max 28 years old at1 Oktober 2011
IPK Minimal 3.00 (skala 4)
Special Qualification :
Applicant is not PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
Applicant doesn't have brother relationship as sibling with PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
Applicant doesn't have husband / wife that stills active be conected with PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
- Applicant mandatorying to have enamel address already active for gets to follow employ selection process.
- Application application just is done thru on-line (link Regristrasi's click On-line at announcement underside). No other band that is utilized in application dispatch process.
- After fill application form and sends it on-line ala back, Applicant will get registration confirmation via enamel. That confirmation is meaty registration number that will be utilized up to selection process.
- Applicant only at perkenankan does once on-line registration.
- On each selection phase, just applicant with kualifikasi best (shortlist candidates) one that that diikutsertakan will in succeeding phase selection process.
- Applicant mandatorying to fill application with data / information that one quite a it, since this data will at clarification by binds in origin upon i. Phase selection process performing (Document verification).
- On-line Registration time term is 25th September s / d. 07 Octobers 2011.
- Afterses incoming application registration final bounds and / or not apply for on-line ala, looked on inoperative.
- Yielding decision sorts to get absolute character and undisturbable sue.
- Just candidate that qualifies, one that is contacted for input to go to next selection phase by logs in.
Yielding announcement sorts administration and deserved participant follow succeeding selection gets to be seen at website selection. com starts 15th October 2011 hit. 22. 00 WIB.
Dokumen yang harus dipersiapkan dan dibawa pada saat TES TAHAP I :
- Pas Foto Berwarna, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar;
- Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk;
- Curriculum Vitae / Daftar Riwayat Hidup ;
- Fotocopy ijazah akhir dan traskrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang dan sertifikat lainnya yang relevan;
- Kartu Hasil Nilai TOEFL/ CBT/ IELTS dengan maksimal 2 tahun terakhir;
- Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dan Surat Keterangan Bebas Narkoba dari instansi yang berwenang;
Pelamar yang menunjukkan dokumen yang berbeda dengan data yang dimasukan pada saat registrasi online, dinyatakan gugur dan tidak dapat mengikuti tes tahap selanjutnya.
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
Lowongan BUMN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia 2 (Persero) deadline 7 Oktober 2011 .