Responsibilities: Doing credit product sell, looking after relationship with client, and pets account client
- Min Diploma Degree D3 any major IPK 2,75, maximal age 35 years
- Accentuated that experienced at sales's area
- Liking daring and can get communication with every consideration
- Can run computer, MS Office Is minimal
- Having Driving License c and gets wheels vehicle two
- Gaining control vernacular and knows local community
Placement :
- Mikro Pasar Rau Serang - Cilegon
- Mikro Pasar Tiga Raksa - Cilegon
- Mikro Pasar Anyer - Cilegon
- Mikro Pasar Ciruas - Cilegon
- Mikro Pasar Rangkas Bitung - Cilegon
- Mikro Pasar Picung - Cilegon
- Supply Chain Officer Rangkas Bitung - Cilegon
- Supply Chain Officer Pandeglang - Cilegon
Remunerasi who is on the market:
- Regular salary and interesting incentive
- Accident insurance, soul and health comprises core family
- Biannual THR
- Continual traning program
- Career ladder and dynamic job atmosphere
To You that want to reach for success with us, please coming by takes in fledged application letter and direct follow test on:
Hari : Rabu, 16 November 2011
Jam : 08.30 WIB
Tempat : Graha Abdi Negara (Gd Korpri Serang) Jl. Jend A Yani No. 74 Serang
Test schedule outboard can send fledged application letter goes to address
Bank Danamon Cabang Matraman
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 52 Lt. 4 Jakarta Timur
Email ke :
Job Vacancy Jakarta Bank Danamon deadline 8 Dessember 2011.