PT Mitra Utama Madani (PNM Group) a subsidiary of PT. PNM (Persero), Currently gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions:
Qualification & Experience:
- Male age maximal age 26 years
- Have the honour ditempakan at Bandung's region and its vicinity
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Psychology
- Accentuated to have job experience 1 yrs.
- Can do psikotes's administration
- Can run computer: Ms. Word and Excell
- Fresh graduateddisarankan to apply for
- Responsibilities: Performing kepegawaian's administration process, rekrutmen & selection, and training's administration
If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to: put code SDM_BDG or
PT. Mitra Utama Madani (PT. PNM Grup)
Gedung Arthaloka Lt. 15
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 2, Jakarta Pusat
Lowongan Bandung Terbaru PT Mitra Utama Madani deadline 15 Mei 2013.