- Have 1 years experience in same position
- Placed for mekanikal /'s technician elektrikal /'s technician electronics technician / HVAC / technician plumbing Technician genset /' Technician elevator technician & escalator, can work by tim and ready work in shift
- Male max age. 28 yr
- SMK / D3 / S1'S education Technical Engineering or Elektro
- Attach proposed positioning code at left angle on enveloping
- Responsibilities: Helping BM Dept Head on one's guard, equipment and fixed up elektrikal's equipment and facility and electronics
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
HRD DEPT. PT. Citraagung Tirta Jatim
Gedung ITC Surabaya Mega Grosir, Lantai Ground
Jl Gembong 2030 Surabaya
Or email : . Lowongan Kerja Surabaya ITC Surabaya Mega Grosir deadline 31 Januari 2012. put job code in subject email.