Digital Specialist
- Have 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Is in love with both the marketing part of business and also the digital world.
- Basic knowledge in Web programming with HTML, CSS, PHP/ASP.Net and Database with MySQL or SQL Server.
- Min Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Advertising/Media, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Marketing or equivalent.
- Full Time Position Only
- Based in Jakarta Raya
Job Description and Responsibilities:
A digital specialist needs to be updated with all of the latest web, mobile and other digital media technologies that are existing right now and in the future. You will be in charge to manage several projects and help the account team in dealing and communicating with the client.
Your main responsibilities are:
- Be the most updated digital man/woman there is!
- Socially active in social media websites
- Helping our account team in communicating with the clients and with the technical team
- Work as a project manager during ongoing projects
- Other responsibilities will be discussed upon interview.
If you believe you have the right qualification to succeed, please send your CV detailing experience complete with a current photograph by email to: , Please attach an aplication with portofolio..
Digital Specialist Vacancy in PT Djamoer Technology Media Jakarta deadline 28 Mei 2011.