--> Job Vacancy PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV) | Lowongan Kerja Terbaru


Monday, May 16, 2011

Job Vacancy PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV)

| Monday, May 16, 2011
Job Vacancy in the one of Televison Company in Indonesia, PT Media Televisi Indonesia ( Metro TV ) was established in August 2000, starting with 280 employees, mostly working in the newsroom and production area. Metro TV represents one of the subsidiary company of the MEDIA GROUP owned by Mr. Surya Paloh. Metro TV was aired on 25th of November 2000 as a trial process with just 12 hours a day of broadcast time. But starting 1st of April 2001, it was aired for 24 hours a day. Metro TV consists of 60% news and 40% entertainment programs in the weekdays, and 60% entertainment programs and 40% news in the weekend. Metro TV news is brought out in 3 languages: Indonesian, English, and Mandarin. Metro TV offers local and International Headline News and comprehensive news program in all fields: political, economic, business and investments, criminality, art & culture, and history documentations in a quick, credible and reliable way, not only needed by our local society but also as a reference to international Press Agencies.

Currently PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV) looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of

Camera Person News Magazine (Cam-Magz)
Qualification :

  • Bachelor Degree S1 in related background, max age 32 years old
  • Have 3 years experience as Camera Person and involved in documentary film making
  • Energetic and Good Team Player
  • Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace and able to work in a team.
  • Have excellent interpersonal skill, energetic, mature, Honest, Discipline & dynamic
  • Hard worker with good interpersonal skills and integrity
  • Based in Jakarta Raya

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :

PT Media Televisi Indonesia ( Metro TV )
Jl. Pilar Mas Raya Kav A - D Kedoya Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 0
Job Vacancy Camera Person News Magazine in PT Media Televisi Indonesia (Metro TV) deadline 12 juni 2011.

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